The Austro-Hungarian Empire Motorcycle Club

Collecting stuff is a disease for which there is no cure. Motorcycles are a favorite collectible, they don't take a lot of room compared to say, military tanks or airplanes , but they do need more space than stamps or buttons . Whatever, if you have a garage, you have room for a few bikes. If you are going to be serious about collecting, you need a theme. You can't just randomly collect stuff you come across, you need to apply discipline lest you be confused for a hoarder. I have pretty much always had a bike collection. I used to collect British bikes when they were practically giving them away in the late 1970's. For quite a while I concentrated on 1985 Yamahas, great bikes that had bottomed out resale-wise when I got them. My first bike I think I paid 50 bucks for. It had been stripped of most of its parts, but it still ran, but not for long. See the theme here - they were all cheap cheap cheap. That first b...