Indian Chieftain Riding Impression

Just like the real motorcycle blogs YAOGB test drove the brand new Indian Chieftain as resurrected ( for the umpteenth time ) now it is Polaris' turn. Based on my ride, this attempt may have a future. A tweet from Cycle Works, the Edmonton Alberta Indian dealer announced that the demo fleet would be here on September 20th and 21. I dropped by about 1:30 on Friday, there was hardly anyone there, no problems signing up, the ride, we left 10 minutes later, just me one other demo rider, the lead rider and the chase. Before we left I looked all the bikes over. Polaris certainly got the looks right. Just as an unblinged Heritage Soft Tail has captured the looks of the hard tail Pan Heads of the 1950's, and Road King that of the Electra Glides of the 1960's, Polaris has matched the look of the last Springfield Chiefs. If Hank Williams came back from where ever he might be, he would recognize it immediately never realizing that the la...