¡regla motos!

Being in Argentina is almost like being back in Canada.  Gas stations that have coffee and premium gas (and premium prices, about a canuck buck for a liter of regular).  So far the roads here are great, I was able to make about 600 km without effort yesterday.  I am in a new eco-zone, what would be called parkland in Alberta, grass, trees and bushes, here it is called savanna.  

At first I was driving through sugar cane country.  It appears that the Cañeros  have a beef with someone, which, of course, means they must set up road blocks to  prevent cars and trucks from using the road.  I was trying to find out what was going on from the guy ahead of me (in a car) and he told me to ride on through the roadblock, as whatever grievance they had did not involve motos.  Sure enough, they let me pass with a nod and a wave.  I came across at least four more of these demonstrations and each time I just rode past on the shoulder with no problems.  The protests, if that is what they were, were peaceful and ended when a cop showed up.

My destination was Tucuman and the KTM dealer there.  I needed some fixing done and my aceite has to be cambio-ed.  I found a nice hotel in Tucuman's centro which by good luck triumphing over no planning, happened to be only a few blocks from the KTM dealer.   I was able to lust over the showroom's 990 Adventure, Randy had let me ride his 990 from Camiri to Villa Montes, and I liked it very much.  Mucho dolares though, we will see, after this trip it may be a while before I have any discretionary funds.  On my way to the taller de motos  the following AM, there was another street protest blocking morning commuter traffic in el centro (I think this one had something to do with Jesus and singing).  Taking my lead from the other moto pilots, we just pushed our bikes up onto the sidewalk and walked them around the parade.  Motos rule!

The deja vue thing about Argentina grew even stronger as I went for a walk after lunch.  Tell me this isn't Calgary's 8th Avenue Mall on a late Sunday afternoon instead of Tucuman during siesta?
There are a few differences, for example I have never seen two men greet each other by kissing each other on the cheek in broad daylight in Calgary, and I expect I never shall.

Argentinians like good food and good cooking, and their french bread is as good or better as can  be found anywhere, I have missed good bread since entering Latin America, welcome back!  Argentinians apparently like French plumbing as well, which is, eh, not like ours, but bidets make excellent urinals. A drinking glass in the WC probably means the water is OK for tomar as well.

If all goes well at the dealership I should be in Buenos Aires in a few days, and then I will have to start vuelva al norte otra vez.


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