Adios Ecuador, Hola Peru

Before I left Ecuador I made a side trip to Zamora to see Podocarpus National Park. 
Ecuador is green in more ways than one, they are at the forefront when it comes to protecting their environment, no basura here, you can't even fumar in the park. 
The park starts high in the mountains just outside of Loja and descends into the Amazon watershed at Zamora.  I visited the amazon part as I had yet to see the rain forest.  It met all expectations, including the rain part! 

I left cool Loja wearing all my cold weather gear (10 C in the morning) , and was down to a T shirt when I got to Zamora two hour later.  Follow the link to more pics

Peru was an easy border crossing, everybody was super helpful on both sides.  No Tramitadors needed or wanted.


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