Email update from Colombia

Everything is cool over here. Colombia does not appear to be living
up to its dangerous reputation with the exception of the taxi drivers.
I got out of Bogota OK.

I have to say a few more words about Bogota, it is probably the
ugliest city in the universe, but in many other ways it is head and
shoulders above the cities I have visited since leaving the Estados
Unidas. I may have mentioned the basura (garbage) problem that
plagues every city to a greater or lesser degree. Garbage is
everywhere, people throw it in the street, the highways, everywhere,
sometimes they put it in a great pile in the middle of the street and
burn it. Not Bogota. Garbage is picked up, people don´t litter, it
may be ugly but it is clean and safe. Also in just about every city
you have to watch out for potholes, holes, deep holes in the sidewalk,
open manholes all kinds of hazards. Not here.

Tonight in I am in Cajamarca, a small town on the highway between
Bogota and Cali. Everybody is gearing up for Saturday night. There
are plenty of military police here as well, so things should be quiet.
No wireless, so I am using a cyber cafe computer.
Heading for the equator, gotta see that southern sky!


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